The ‘Aligning Accounting Approaches for Nature’ (Align) project supports businesses across the EU and beyond with a suite of tools, indicators and principles for integrating natural capital thinking and biodiversity measurement; by providing recommendations for harmonizing decision making and external reporting.
Align focuses its efforts on the space where experimentation has occurred, many different methodologies have evolved, and a business need has been expressed. Align’s aim is to accelerate the natural evolution of natural capital accounting approaches from guidance to standardisation.
The aim is to develop a generally accepted set of methods, indicators and criteria for corporate biodiversity measurement tools and approaches, sector specific guidance for site based, value chain and finance sector companies and a standardised approach to measure corporate impacts and dependencies on biodiversity.
Align will do so by building on the existing work of the consortium members (EU B@B Platform; Aligning Biodiversity Measures for Business collaboration; TRANSPARENT project) and other initiatives to maximise synergies with complementary work. The strength of the project will be seen by the benefits provided from intensive business engagement. Align will work to develop guidance that is sector specific, with the end goal of providing businesses and financial institutions a standardised approach on biodiversity inclusive natural capital management accounting practices that is supported by a broad range of stakeholders. The geographic focus is the EU, but it will link to global business and policy initiatives to ensure the project impact extends globally and positions EU businesses at the forefront of biodiversity policy implementation.
Align will officially be launched in an online webinar on Wednesday 10 March 2021 from 16:00-17:00 CET. This webinar will enable you to find out more about the Align project and the specific objectives of the Communities.