Bilbao - NbS for dealing with extreme temperature and rainfall events


The city is currently revising its urban Master Plan, which aims to make Bilbao i) an example for other cities around the world; ii) a city in continuous renewal; iii) a sustainable city; and iv) a socially balanced city.

Extreme climate events in the recent – and not-so recent – past have shown that Bilbao is more vulnerable than most other cities. This realisation prompted scientific research into how the city could plan for sustainable development and prepare itself for further climate-change risks.

This resulted in the city authorities drawing up a list of the following priorities for Bilbao: an energy-efficiency policy; sustainable mobility; reducing resource consumption and waste generation; smart and creative urban planning; and a strategy for adapting to climate change.

NbS could play a role in this plan by helping to make Bilbao more resilient towards cold spells, heat waves, and frequent floods.


NBS1 - Zorrotzaurre project - The Zorrotzaurre project is an urban renewal project to promote the sustainable restoration of a currently derelict site in the...

Lessons learned: 
  • Local authorities clearly understand that NbS projects have multiple benefits. This is evident in Bilbao's upcoming Master Plan, which strongly promotes NbS as a means of achieving the city's four main objectives.
  • Having a local project partner contact made the relationship between the RAMSES FP7 project and the local authority much easier.
  • Bilbao's history of successfully managing severe crises with commitment and creativity has helped it to adopt innovative measures. 

Philipe Rode (

Efrén Fliu (

Enrique Rincón (

Susana Ruiz (...


DG RTD Review, DG-RTD, Rivers and lakes, Think Nature, Urban, Wetlands

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