Filwood Park Development and Green Business Centre

Area characterisation: 

The site formerly housed support buildings for the old Bristol City Airport including an old hangar site and an area of open public land. It is located on the southern fringe of the Knowle West neighborhood.


To regenerate a brown site to develop 150 new homes, an improved park area and a BREEAM outstanding green business park. To deliver high quality jobs, family housing and a better green space.


Knowle West was identified by Bristol City Council as a strategic regeneration priory due to the significant social and economic challenges of the area. The park was previously isolated and suffered from antisocial behaviour.

During the planning stages of the development, an Enquiry by...

Potential impacts/benefits: 

Potential impacts/ benefits

Challenges addressed

Enhancing sustainable urbanisation

Restoring ecosystems and their functions

Developing climate change mitigation

Developing climate change adaptation

Climate resilience

· More energy efficient buildings

Green Space management and enhancing urban biodiversity

· Increase well-being

· Increase accessibility to green open spaces

· Increase biodiversity

· Increase quality and quantity of green and blue infrastructure

· Reduce runoff

· Increasing infiltration

Public Health and Wellbeing

· Increased social interaction

· Increased cultural richness and biodiversity

Potential for Economic opportunities and Green Jobs

· Increase willingness to invest in NbS

Participatory Planning and Governance

· Increase communities’ sense of ownership

· Social inclusion

Transferability of the result: 

Useful for an area of regeneration where affordable housing is necessary. Useful funding options for developments that will bring new jobs and enhance the economy as well as environment.

Lessons learned: 

It is possible to source economic funding streams for green infrastructure in developments.

Working with communities during the planning project can change local opinion and gain new ideas.


Total cost £12million. Bristol City Council successfully applied for £5.495m European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding. The project has also received £6.236m funding from the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership’s Revolving Infrastructure Fund.



  • Enhancing sustainable urbanization

NBS Actions:

  • Urban regeneration through nature-based solutions
  • Nature-based solutions for improving well-being in urban areas


Biodiversity, Green infrastructure, Human well-being, Social justice, Temperate, Think Nature, ThinkNature, Urban, Urban Regeneration, Urbanisation, More energy efficient buildings, Increase Biodiversity, Increasing infiltration, Increase accessibility to green open spaces, Increase quality and quantity of green and blue infrastructures, Increased cultural richness and biodiversity, Increase communities’ sense of ownership, Reduce run-off, Increase social interaction, Increase well-being, Increase willingness to invest in NBS, Social inclusion


Bristol City Council and HCA

Design team:

NEW Masterplanning

Barrat Homes

Stride Treglown architects

HTA design


Royal Town Planning Institute - planning excellence award 2013.

Bristol Civic Society Design Award 2016 (business park).

BREEAM outstanding (business park).

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