Increase accessibility to green open spaces

NatUR-W: Nature-based Urban Regeneration through Water (Lorca - Spain)

Lorca - NatUR-W

The aim of NatUR-W is to address urban challenges brought about by energy poverty and climate change, in particular extreme heat events and water scarcity. Through this project, the city of Lorca in Murcia is developing and implementing ‘NatUR-W Plans’ to meet these challenges. The proposed solution respects the natural water cycle, using innovative, inclusive, sustainable and self-sufficient Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to improve the energy efficiency of social housing and public buildings, create more green space, and regenerate the historic city centre. 

H2020 PONDERFUL:The “Lystrup” NBS: A Pondscape for Flood Risk Reduction, Biodiversity, and People

Pond: Lys3

This Pondscape is in a suburban area of Aarhus, with 18 ponds and about 10,300 inhabitants. The ponds reduce flood risk and enhance biodiversity, supporting amphibians, birds, and aquatic plants. It also offers walking paths and educates people about nature and environmental protection.

Ökológiai szemléletű zöldfelület-fenntartás a fővárosi Pünkösdfürdő Parkban

© Ferenc Albert Szigeti

A fővárosi zöldinfrastruktúra fejlesztését és fenntartását meghatározó Radó Dezső Terv kiemelt prioritása a klímaadaptáció erősítése és a biodiverzitás növelése, mindezt a Fővárosi Önkormányzat a lakossággal szoros partnerségben kívánja elérni. A biológiai sokféleséget, a klímaadaptációt és a környezeti nevelést egyaránt támogató, magyarországi mércével mindenképpen mérföldkőnek számító, de európai viszonylatban is innovatív megoldásai miatt magas szakmai elismerésben részesült Pünkösdfürdő Park tájépítészeti üzenete és célja az, hogy a hagyományos agrár tájhasználatot becsempéssze a...

H2020 PONDERFUL: the "Rhone genevois" NBS : multifunctionality at the pondscape scale

The"Bouvières" pond has been created for leisures activities such as walking and fishing.

15 large ponds (5000m2 to 30’000m2) as well as many medium and small sized ponds have been created between 1970 and 2018. Some ponds have been dug to rehabilitate and recreate natural habitats in brownfields and others to create recreational activities such as swimming and fishing. They depict the multiple roles a pondscape can play. 

The objective of the spatial delimitation of these pond uses is to promote simultaneously the protection of pond biodiversity and the delivering of numerous NCPs.

The CLEVER Way: Hamburg, Neugraben-Fischbek

The CLEVER Cities project identified the primary planning goals for Neugraben-Fischbek district located in the South-West of the city of Hamburg was to: (a) creating a connective ‘Green Corridor’ to link a system of NbS interventions; (b) establishing horizontal greenery through the construction of green roofs on existing buildings; and (c) address the topic of environmental education and connect the youth with nature. 

Hamburg has aimed at addressing the following challenges, including:

  • Increase biodiversity and nature in the city: To address this, the city

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