Event posted by Rachelle Cividino

Sunday, 24 November 2024 - 0:00 to Friday, 29 November 2024 - 23:45 (Europe/Brussels)
Fort-de-France, Martinique
This conference is part of the IWA Specialist Group “Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control” conference series, which is a bi-annual conference series that acts as a global forum for discussion and knowledge sharing on the state of the art in scientific and practical development and implementation of natural and constructed wetlands and other nature-based solutions for providing water quality improvement and other co-benefits and ecosystem services. Some of the main conference topics include
- wetlands in urban environments,
- wetlands for water reuse,
- wetlands and the circular economy,
- wetlands for water pollution control, and
- wetland conservation, restoration, and climate change
- other up and coming topics such as wetland intensification, removal of emerging organic contaminants, wetland co-benefits, modelling, and monitoring and remote sensing.
Registration link : icws2024.web-events.fr/registrationform
Event page : 18th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (web-events.fr)