Cities face urgent global and local challenges to support biodiversity, social cohesion, wellbeing, livelihoods and resilience to climate change. We need nature-based solutions and restored ecosystems to address these priorities. Invaluable experience and good practice exist around the world in many different socio-cultural, ecological and governance contexts. There is now a huge opportunity to move forward…faster…together.
The CONEXUS conference will showcase latest thinking on urban nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation. The event will:
Strengthen links between NbS research, policy and innovation.
Provoke exciting discussions of emerging concepts and frameworks to improve the quality and impact of NbS and associated research.
Motivate new ways of thinking about urban nature; fostering new collaborations addressing this urgent societal challenge.
The conference is organised with the kind support of the European Union through its Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme. It is hosted by the CONEXUS project and partners including city Life-Labs in Barcelona - Spain, Bogota - Colombia, Buenos Aires - Argentina, Lisboa - Portugal, Sao Paulo - Brazil, Santiago - Chile, and Torino - Italy.
Many key decision-makers and world-leading experts and in urban nature and sustainability will attend this landmark event.
The conference programme will be developed through competitive abstracts submission. Registration is not yet open. Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted by 31st October 2023 and must clearly address only one of the four themes. Your abstract should present novel work and be a unique contribution to the field of NbS research; empirically-based work will be prioritised in the selection process but conceptual and opinion pieces are welcomed. Feedback on abstracts will be provided with an indicative outcome, along with suggestions. Conference fees: €100-200 (details to be provided in due course). Registration including payment of conference fees must be completed by 15th December 2023. Places at the event are strictly limited and the organisers will select successful abstracts to present at the event - we cannot guarantee participation of delegates and only registered participants may enter the conference. We welcome feedback and invite you to take part in this vital event. We hope to see you in Barcelona in 2024!