Driven by climate change mitigation concerns, government throughout the UK is seeking a significant acceleration in tree planting rates and an increase in woodland cover. The private sector and the third sector have also set out ambitious woodland creation goals, involving planting rates many times greater than those achieved in recent decades. This is a particular challenge in England, where rates of planting have changed little in recent years.
When woodlands are well designed and managed, they have the potential to yield significant social and economic benefits for generations to come. Climate adaptation requirements are one part of this. Opportunities for businesses and local communities may result.
Be part of this timely conference to discover ways in which bold ambitions and targets for tree planting and increased woodland cover can be met in England.
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The conference will examine:
- The developing business case for land owners and managers to become involved in woodland creation and management: grants, revenue and opportunity costs.
- Actions that will grow national capability for woodland creation and management: nursery stock, biosecurity, skills and infrastructure.