Since Oppla launched in 2016, innovation in nature-based solutions has continued to flourish with exciting and new communities, resources, projects and tools. To capitalise on this momentum, we’ve partnered with ICLEI Europe, IUCN, BiodivERsA and Steinbeis 2i to develop a new 3-year project that will support and amplify the nature-based solutions community.
The new project, NetworkNature, is being supported by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Programme which has spearheaded much of the recent research and innovation around nature-based solutions.
As part of NetworkNature, a new online platform will host the latest nature-based solutions research, best practice, news, events and resources. The platform will consolidate nature-based solutions evidence and connect with existing and new audiences.
The new platform is being developed within Oppla. This means you can use your existing Oppla account to access the new platform and all the information hosted on NetworkNature will also be available on Oppla.
We’ve launched a short questionnaire to help ensure the NetworkNature platform meets your needs and supports others in learning about nature-based solutions.
The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and all of your comments will be carefully considered as we develop the NetworkNature platform for a launch this October. We’ll post news about the development of the platform on our homepage and in Outline, our weekly newsletter.