Promenade along river Danube

Area characterisation: 

Scale of the project: neighbourhood

Scales impacts from this NBS action should be assessed: object (building, etc.), city

Urban density in which the NBS is implemented: high (dense city center, etc.)

  • Develop a concept and implement numerous pilot projects on the riverbank

The main purpose of the project is to design a promande among the Danube quays in Budapest, planting plants, building installations, and awareness rising. The goal is the sharing of the sensation of the Danube in the city, recommending the daily utilization of the river side to citizens.

The project is a good example for the implementation of strategic NBSs, with putting great emphasis on the corporate development and implementation, by creating networks. 

The project is combine with other environmental friendly solutions: Bio-sourced materials
The focus is figure out and introduce some of the new enviromental friendly solutions, which are not expensive and easily accessable for the citiens. For example grillpads on the quayside stairs, moving sauna-bus.

NBS benefits 
  • Increase infiltration / Water storage
  • Reducing temperature at meso or micro scale
  • Carbon sequestration and storage
  • Greater ecological connectivity across urban regenerated sites
  • Improve connectivity and functionality of green and blue infrastructures
  • Increase quality and quantity of green and blue infrastructures
  • Increased cultural richness and biodiversity
  • Enhancing sustainable urbanisation
  • Changing image of the urban environment
  • Creation of green jobs relating to construction & maintenance of NBS
  • Improve air quality
  • Improve water quality
  • Increase accessibility to green open spaces
  • Increase amount of green open spaces for residents
  • Increase awareness of NBS solution & their effectiveness and co benefits
  • Increase communities’ sense of ownership
  • Increase social interaction
  • Increase well-being
  • Increase willingness to invest in NBS
  • Social inclusion
Transferability of the result: 

Process enablers:

  • Knowledge drivers → Awareness → NBS ambassadors
  • Governance drivers → cocreation and participation → Tools to build a common vision
  • Economy drivers → Public private partnerships 

An association was founded to create a more vital connection between the city and the Danube, specifically the riverside. Volunteers, artist, uni clubs and other organizations can join to this association during a project. The main driving forces are the well outlined goal, remarkable media support, impressive thoughts for youngs and the potential force of voluntary work.

Process inhibitors:

  • Knowledge barriers → Uncertainty → Operation unknow
  • Governance barriers → Institutional barriers → Lack of flexibility of decision making
  • Economy barriers → Budget constraints → Lack of funding knowledge

The stakeholders were concerned about the unknown consequences of the pioneer interventions. The other inhibitor is the complex decision-making structure of the local authorities. The social benefits were not really appriciated by the authorities, and non-economic benefits were underestimated. The budget was very limited.

Business cluster: Technological
business model: Substitute with renewables and natural processes

Business cluster: Social
business model: Deliver functionality, rather than ownership

They are working there together co-creation, on a voluntary basis.

The pilot projects are a sort of gerilla-actions, but all of the actions are permitted by
the Capital Municipality of Budapest. Also concerning the legal owning consideration, the Danube quay is a public space, thus the performances and the planned objectives of the project have to be permitted by the Capital Municipality of Budapest.

Temporal perspective

Expected time for the NBS to become fully effective after its implementation: medium (between 2 to 5 years)

Feedback: the project has already been adapted to new requisites. This is an innovative project, so it has brought a lot of modifications. The target is fixed, bringing the city life closer the Danube.

Expected life time of the intervention: around 10 years

State of progress of the project: Ongoing (not delivered yet)


Global (estimated) cost of the project: >20 000€

Finance cluster: cluster4 public private
Finance model: Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
The planning and the implemenatation was supported by the Visegrad Fund and the Viability Ltd, and through CSR activities of different companies.

NBS classification 
  • Objects shapes (1)
  • On the ground (1)
  • Structures associated with urban networks
  • Green waterfront city
  • Objects shapes (2)
  • On the ground (2)
  • Choice of plants
  • Diversity of plant species

Miklós , Tömör (

Further information

Nature4Cities ( aims to develop a knowledge diffusion around Nature-Based Solution (NBS) and a decision support platform through new collaborative models.

This project is part of the Nature4Cities's pioneer case studies database, it will feed the observatory, NBS pre-selection and replication tools, gathered into the Geocluster4NBS.

This project was chosen as a pioneer case study for the following reasons: Participants have had the chance of getting to know the use of NBSs in real life. In addition, the aim was to understand the challenge of the multifunctionality of the Danube bank, and at the same time, participants were invited to take part in solving the problems. It had to take some performance and other events for people understanding the new concepts of life near the Danube.

Nature4Cities project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 730468.

Urban challenges
Climate issues: 
Climate mitigation
Air quality: 
Air quality locally
Biodiversity and urban space: 
Urban space development and regeneration
Public health and well-being: 
Quality of life
Environmental justice and social cohesion: 
Environmental justice
Urban planning and governance: 
Urban planning and form
People security: 
Control of extraordinary events
Green economy: 
Bioeconomy activities
Direct economic value of NBS
Key Performance Indicators: