Thursday, 27 January 2022 - 16:00 to 18:00 (Europe/Brussels)
The CITIES TALK NATURE series of webinars from INTERLACE are designed to create and promote learning and cooperation between municipalities and their stakeholders, and between initiatives and projects.
The second webinar in the series, Flowing Towards Knowledge: River Restoration and Revitalization in Latin America and European Cites, will focus on river restoration and it’s benefits for the environment, biodiversity, social cohesion and the local economy. Best practice from the INTERLACE cities Portoviejo (Ecuador) and Metropolia Krakowska (Poland) will be presented and discussed.
Register at: https://forms.gle/VbmYRFr2xSsmnjN97
Find out more at: https://interlace-project.eu/node/190