During the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), the German Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU) announced that it will provide an additional € 10 million to the EbA Global Fund for a total of around € 30 million. The EbA Global Fund is a funding mechanism launched in March 2021 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with support from the International Climate Initiative ( IKI) of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment. The Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) aims to support nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation, leveraging biodiversity and ecosystem services to build resilience to climate change in human communities.
At the same time, the Global EbA Fund approved its first seven grants, covering a variety of topics, including protecting coral reefs in the Philippines and restoring riverbank ecosystems for erosion control in Fiji.
so far only 5% of global climate financial flows are spent on adaptation, and only 1.4% of this on nature-based solutions for adaptation, despite their proven effectiveness. Furthermore, according to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, 50% of total climate funding should go to adaptation. The need for a change in adaptation action is also highlighted by The UK COP26 Presidency Glasgow Imperative: Closing the Adaptation Gap and Responding to Climate Impacts, published at the beginning of COP 26.
The Global EbA Fund has now announced its approval of a total of $ 1,656,115 in grants over the next three years, awarded to seven projects, making up the Fund's first cohort.
The individual grants are listed here and details can be found under here.
Please, you can find the full article here.