The European Commission is holding its 3rd annual Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival from 6-12 December, 2020. Registration are open and the draft agenda can be found here!
The 3rd annual Citizen Engagement & Deliberative Democracy Festival is an open online event that brings together people of diverse backgrounds that are interested in, and working on, citizen engagement and deliberative democracy in Europe (and beyond). These include representatives from EU Member States, EU institutions, the European Commission, the OECD, civil society organisations, academia, as well as youth and the arts. Notable attendees this year include European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, and JRC Director-General Stephen Quest. The programme features a variety of events including open discussions, interactive sessions, an exhibition of citizen engagement projects and artwork. Core topics of citizen engagement will be explored including youth engagement, citizen engagement futures, and challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moreover, from 25 November till the end of the Festival, we will be gathering submissions of stories about the impact of Covid-19 related restrictions on public spaces through the Call for Experiences: Where is the public? Stories on public spaces from the year of lockdowns. We welcome visual and written accounts of experiences and reflections on the ways in which the use and meanings of public spaces have been changing during the pandemic.
Selected submissions will be featured during the Festival and its satellite events, and at a later date will all be made available on the JRC's Community of Practice on Citizen Engagement website.
To participate➡️ https://europa.eu/!bT98gt