The International Federation of Landscape Architects SESSION 6: Climate Leadership to Transformative Landscapes
You are invited to attend the sixth and final session of the IFLA Building Resilience: From Commitment to Climate Action online educational series, Thursday, 21st July 2022.
The speakers include:
1. Farimah Jamali: IFLA Climate Change WG Middle East Representative, a climate and landscape researcher with a doctoral degree in urban Climatology. She works on analyzing the role of nature-based solutions in tackling climate change, mainly in arid and semi-arid cities.
2. Daniela Rizzi: Senior Officer for Nature-Based Solutions and Biodiversity at ICLEI Europe. She works on NetworkNature creating guidance on NbS implementation and design for multiple benefits to NbS practitioners and she leads the Global Outreach work package, and the conceptualization, dissemination and implementation of UrbanByNature.
3. Rob Roggema: the Founder of Cittaideale, Landscape Architect, Professor and an internationally renowned design-expert on sustainable urbanism, climate adaptation, energy landscapes and urban agriculture. He developed the Swarm Planning concept.
4. Dr. Salma Samaha: Chair of IFLA Education and Academic Affairs, co-founder and the vice-president of LELA, an experienced Landscape and Territory planning consultant and lecturer. She has a PhD in Cultural Landscape.
They will clearly demonstrate how we can achieve the IFLA climate action sixth commitment to continue to collaborate with clients, suppliers, and allied professions to champion climate positive design.
Watch this session live on the IFLA Facebook page linked below, https://fb.me/e/1TlQPipJB at 3PM CEST.