Wetlands are multifunctional ecosystems playing a critical role in maintaining biodiversity, regulating water cycles and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters such as floods, storms or droughts. The loss of wetlands jeopardizes their ability to provide ecosystem services to present and future generations. Their restoration is thus essential for climate change mitigation, adaptation, sustainable development and disaster risk reduction.
Research shows that implementation and maintenance of nature-based infrastructure are often more cost-efficient than alternative grey infrastructure. Despite this growing body of evidence, the lack of understanding of NbS benefits and knowledge gaps about the economic and financial performance of NbS investments continue to impair NbS investments and mainstreaming.
This webinar aims to underscore the role of wetlands in disaster risk reduction to emphasize the need for investment in their restoration. We will explore in this session the role the insurance sector can play, through innovative financial tools, in supporting wetlands ecosystem restoration for a more resilient, sustainable, and biodiverse future.
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Organized by Wetlands International Europe in collaboration with NATURANCE.