Event posted by E Kooijman

Tuesday, 22 November 2022 - 13:00 to 14:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Cities need to overcome quite a few challenges on their pathway toward circular management of resources. During this webinar, you will learn about specific urban circularity challenges and how nature-based solutions have become a valuable approach to address them. We will hear from three innovative examples of nature-based solutions that combine wastewater treatment with water reuse.
- Nataša Atanasova (University of Ljubljana) will present the COST Action Circular City and the framework they have developed to support circular cities implementing nature-based solutions at urban scale.
- Anacleto Rizzo (IRIDRA) will present an innovative green wall “Wall2Water” located in a local school in Ferla (Sicily, Italy) which is designed to treat greywater from the school bathrooms, and it is reused for toilet flushing.
- Gerardo González (BIOAZUL) will take the opportunity to showcase a “Vertical Ecosystem” recently implemented at a 4-star Hotel in Málaga (Spain) which combines the treatment of grey water from hotel rooms with the reuse of water in a hydroponic vertical garden installed on the main façade.
- Iván Blanco (AQUALIA) will close the webinar presenting the “INTEXT” technological platform located in Talavera de la Reina and Seville (Spain), where innovative hybrid technologies for wastewater treatment and resource recovery in small communities have been developed.