Tuesday, 12 May 2020 - 14:00 to 15:30 (Europe/Brussels)
Some degree of climate change is inevitable - and is happening right now. Climate change adaptation (CCA) is therefore vital to lower the risks associated with the warming of our planet.
The LIFE programme funds many projects that develop innovations for adapting to climate change. On 2 April, the LIFE Call 2020 for climate action projects was launched.
This year, the LIFE programme is keen to attract many new applications from the CCA sphere. Prospective CCA project promoters are invited to register for a dedicated CCA webinar with a specific focus on vulnerable ‘green’ areas and urban ‘grey’ areas.
This webinar will:
- Outline the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
- Highlight call priorities and topics of significant interest
- Provide references for further information
- Share best practices from current LIFE projects on CCA
Find out more about how LIFE projects are helping farming and forestry adapt to climate change.