The MERLIN Marketplace is an online tool that will support the community of practice by enabling users to find and share products, services and solutions, as well as make connections with potential new partners, investors or service providers.
The Marketplace is currently in its early phase and this workshop will discuss and explore ideas for its design and development.
Participation is open to everyone, including organisations outside of the MERLIN consortium. If you are involved in developing, using, funding or communicating about solutions for restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems, then this workshop is for you.
The event will be professionally facilitated online and include a number of interactive activities through which can you share your thoughts and ideas. You don't need any prior understanding of the MERLIN Marketplace to take part, nor do you need any knowledge of online tools or IT.
Development of the Marketplace is being led by Oppla & Connectology under Work Package 5 (Task 5.3). If you have any questions about the workshop or the Marketplace, please contact paul@oppla.eu and paulo@connectology.eu