Natural Capital Protocol - biodiversity guidance public consultation

19 March 2020

The Capitals Coalition’s Natural Capital Protocol is an internationally accepted, standardized framework to help generate trusted, credible and actionable information that business managers need to inform decisions.

Through the development of the Protocol, it became obvious that biodiversity was one of the most difficult areas to include due to its complexity; it was often misunderstood, and a contested area with little consistency in application.

This draft version of the Biodiversity Guidance has been developed to accompany the Protocol and enable businesses to better incorporate biodiversity into natural capital assessments and decision-making. The Guidance builds on the Natural Capital Protocol and consolidates existing materials rather than seeking to create new tools or methods. It covers terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms; to address a variety of decision-making contexts.

A public consultation, open until 1st May 2020, is your opportunity to offer feedback and contribute to the development of this Biodiversity Guidance.

For more information, visit: