Nature-based climate shelters in schoolyards for sustainable urban transformation

Event posted by FrancescBaro
Thursday, 13 June 2024 - 12:00 to 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

WHEN: 13-14 June 2024

VENUE: Het Timmerhuis, Halvemaanpassage 90, Ground floor – conference room. Rotterdam



For more than a decade, Rotterdam is stimulating schools to transform their schoolyard into nature-based climate shelters, i.e. green-blue school environments. At the same time, substantial investments are dedicated to making public spaces greener and more climate-proof. This has resulted in more than 40 nature-based schoolyards and several water squares and extensive green areas within the city of Rotterdam to date.  

As part of the conference the COOLSCHOOLs project and practice partners open up for exchange and collaboration between the case study cities of the project (Rotterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, Paris) and other cities in Europe and beyond investing in green-blue schoolyards as climate shelters and urban transition places as well as between the scientists working in the project and external practice partners and policy makers.

The conference will be a mix of scientific presentations, field trips and interactive sessions to exchange ideas and knowledge. See the outline of the program in the link below.


Practitioners (e.g., urban planners, landscape architects), policy makers, scientists, educators working in the field of spatial planning, urban design, education and sustainability