Nature-based solutions are nature-positive actions which simultaneously provide environmental, social, and economic benefits, helping build resilience, particularly in the face of climate change. Such solutions bring diverse nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and seascapes. However, aiming for delivery of this broad range of multifunctional benefits requires careful planning and design.
Balancing the delivery of direct anthropogenic benefits, such as recreational activities, with biodiversity conservation can be a challenge for nature-based solutions projects, one that can lead to trade-offs and, often, diminished benefits.
In this webinar we explore different approaches to balancing design for humans with design for nature in urban nature-based solutions. Through case study examples we will learn how design for biodiversity and for people can be complementary over a range of spatial scales. We will also explore how biodiversity benefits can be evaluated to ensure that nature-based solutions in urban areas are delivering the intended biodiversity benefits.
Agenda & Speakers:
• Welcome by Nature-based Organisation team
• Introduction by Stuart Connop/Caroline Nash (Sustainability Research Institute (SRI) University of East London)
• John Little (Grass Roof Company) - designing for people and nature in small urban spaces
• Violetta Salonikidou and Georgiana Tsianou (Pavlos Melas municipal authority) - designing for people and nature in large urban spaces
• Sarah Bekssy (RMIT University) - biodiversity sensitive urban design & evaluation
• Panel discussion/Q&A
• Closing remarks