Are you a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise or initiative interested in nature-based solutions or a nature-based enterprise? We would like to invite you to a hands-on workshop where you get to work on NbS and respective business models together with experts in this field. You will also hear short, inspiring presentations by an established NBE and about practical information on how to find cooperation partners for your NbS. We will ask you beforehand about your priorities and your level of involvement with NbS and split the work on business models in different groups according to your priorities. We have a limited amount of travel subsidies available, so please let us know if you are interested in receiving one. We would especially like to support enterprises who wouldn’t be able to attend the workshop otherwise. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register as limited spaces are available. You can find the registration here: https://eveeno.com/nbs-workshop The workshop is free of charge.