The conference “Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use” addresses nature-based societal functions between science, business, society and politicians. It is a flagship conference under the Estonian presidency of the EU Council and will be taking place on 24-26 October 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The conference will be organized by the Estonian Ministry of the Environment and Tallinn University.
Nature-based solutions (NbS) offer ways of tackling societal challenges such as climate change, water security, food security, human health, and others though sustainable management and use of nature. For example, greening roofs or walls of buildings in urban areas can keep temperatures cooler during hot seasons, capture storm water, reduce air pollution, and increase human well-being while enhancing biodiversity.
Nature-based solutions can also help create new green jobs and economic growth through new products and services that improve the natural capital rather than exhaust it.
The conference will host leading scientists, politicians and entrepreneurs from around the world who will share their experience on how nature-based innovation and eco-innovative technologies can be implemented in many areas of life.
The Presidency Conference will provide a platform to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields:
- Blue-green infrastructure in smart cities
- Nature inspired material science
- Integrated water treatment through natural systems
- Ecosystem protection & ICT
- Ecological restoration through eco-innovation
To register visit https://nbs2017.eu/registration/. You must register before 9th October2017. It is free to attend.
For further information visit the conference website at nbs2017.eu
Additional information on policy framework:
The EU Research and Innovation policy agenda on Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities