The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization. WUF11 will be held in the Polish city of Katowice from 26-30 June 2022
This event gathers experts transforming cities with nature-based solutions, showcasing examples of how cities can harness and incorporate nature to achieve environmental, social and economic benefits. The event will include introductions on the work of different cities with NbS, a moderated discussion on the lessons learnt, benefits and challenges encountered, so as to trigger a dialogue with other cities and experts in different socio-economic and environmental conditions. A policy reflection from a EU representative will make the link to key EU Policy initiatives (Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership, Horizon Europe Mission on Cities, Urban Greening Plans, Cohesion policy and the support to the Green Deal implementation in cities) and global frameworks (New Urban Agenda).
This event aims to showcase examples of how cities harness and incorporate nature to achieve environmental, social and economic benefits across the world. Practical examples will be provided from EU-funded projects implementing nature-based solutions (in Europe and beyond), showing how urban greening look like. In addition, the challenges and benefits or urban greening will be discussed, as well as the opportunities from the city and EU policy perspective.