NATURETHON | Nature and insurance: what is their relation and how can we harness its potential?

Event posted by Rachelle Cividino
Thursday, 11 July 2024 - 16:00 to 17:30 (Europe/Brussels)

NATURANCE and PIISA projects invite you to join a webinar that delves into the relationship between nature and insurance, reasoning how we can harness its potential. The webinar is part of Naturethon, an initiative of citizen engagement designed to tap into the collective understanding of NbS deployment.

Insurance is often regarded as a valuable tool to adapt to climate change and the mounting risk this generates for society. Stefano Ceolotto (CMCC) will review the current state of the market of climate risk insurance across European countries, and elaborates on the relationship between nature-based solutions and insurance, highlighting successful examples and limitations to scalability.

Georges Farina (VU-IVM) will focus on green roofs as Nature-based Solutions adapted for urban adaptation challenges. The objectives of his study are to identify, through surveys and economic experiments, what is the demand of the Dutch population for green roofs, how green roofs can be upscaled in the Netherlands, and through which incentives (including insurance incentives).

NATURANCE is a Horizon Europe project that examines the technical, financial, and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing & investments with nature-based solutions.

PIISA aims to develop and deploy a range of insurance innovations to cover at least 50% of losses attributable to climate change effects in Europe. The project hopes to support households, firms, and public authorities to set up adaptation and create adaptation promoting conditions.

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