EPIC WebGIS is an interactive spatial data infrastructure, which provides georeferenced cartography at a national scale, using data visualization tools.MethodsMapping/GIS ConstraintsN/A Product requirementsThe information on this platform covers landscape sub-systems such as: geology/lithology, soil, water, vegetation, climate and land morphology, considered essential to ecosystem and natural resources management. AdvantagesEPIC WebGIS gives a significant contribution to spatial planning in the identification and quantification of strategic topics in mapping development policies and strategies, under a sustainable development perspective. LinksEPIC webGIS Portal Contact detailsLEAF - Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food (ex-Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura Paisagista "Prof. Caldeira Cabral") Instituto Superior de Agronomia - Universidade de Lisboa Tapada da Ajuda 1349-017 Lisboa Portugal (+351) 213 653 314greenblueinfra@isa.ulisboa.pt