Clima East is a European Union funded project package assisting the Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Countries and Russia in approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation.ConstraintsN/A Product requirementsThe EUR 19.2 million package consists of two components: the first, with a budget of EUR 11 million and implemented by UNDP, consists of a number of Pilot Projects that support the development of ecosystems-based approaches to climate changeThe second is a Policy component that seeks to foster improved climate change policies, strategies and market mechanisms in the partner countries by supporting regional cooperation and improving information access to EU climate change policies, laws and expertise AdvantagesClima East is a European Union funded project package assisting the Eastern Neighbourhood Partnership Countries and Russia in approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Links Contact detailsClima East Project Office c/o Milieu Ltd. Chaussée de Charleroi 112 (1st Floor) 1060 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 506 1000 Email: