No business on a dead planet — why adopting an ambitious post-2020 GBF makes economic sense

Nature is at a tipping point. More than 1 million species are threatened by extinction 1, 75% of world’s land and 66% of the marine environment 2 are significantly altered by humans, and the temperature is expected to rise between 2.6°C and 3.9°C 3. The science is clear—the nature crisis must be tackled within this decade if we are to build a thriving future. The current pandemic highlights the interconnectedness of our global systems. The nature, climate, human health, and social inequality crises cannot be addressed in isolation. Healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature. And while the natural resources that power businesses are under massive strain, the private sector is a major contributor to nature’s depletion. Consequently, forward-thinking businesses are starting to put nature higher up on their agendas.