Business leaders and policymakers will meet on 30 November and 1 December at the 2021 European Business and Nature Summit - a high-level political and technical forum - to capitalise on the growing awareness that businesses impact and depend on nature and the ecosystem services it provides. They will aim to mobilise the business community and strengthen the European "Business for Biodiversity movement" called upon by the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.
Join We Value Nature at a side event at the European Business and Nature Summit
We Value Nature is carrying out work to advance coherence between the public sector approach to natural capital accounting (NCA), based on the UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA), and the corporate approach to natural capital assessment and accounting, based on the Natural Capital Protocol and related measurement and valuation methods. In this respect, We Value Nature contributes to the Combining Forces Initiative of the Capitals Coalition, which seeks to ensure that public and private sector approaches and data are relevant and applicable in decision-making across all sectors. Mapping and Assessment for Integrated Ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) is working to promote the mainstreaming of NCA using SEEA-EA, in 10 EU Member States and Norway.
This session will provide an overview of the state of play on work to enhance public-private coherence on natural capital accounting, highlight the potential of SEEA-EA data for businesses, and showcase front-running work by national statistics offices to make SEEA-EA data more accessible to businesses.