Reducing global emissions is essential to mitigate the threats of climate change but not sufficient to tackle the entire challenge. Protecting and restoring our plant is the other half of the solution. Nature is the life support system for people, the planet and for profit.
Nature-Based Solutions are increasingly recognised as a critical component of climate mitigation and adaptation. For the private sector, national and local governments, Intergovernmental organisations, and environmentalists alike, growing recognition of our natural capital is resulting in exponential benefits for communities, businesses, and climate change.
To mark World Environment Day 2021 and to launch the Roadmap to COP26 Reimagine Series, we bring you Nature Week: Investing in life's support system, a 1-day programme designed to identify the barriers of implementation and create key action points to progress the nature-based solutions agenda ahead of COP26.
Agenda Overview:
Session 1 - Economies in balance with nature: The opportunity, tools and data-based solutions
- What role will nature-based solutions play in reaching targets outlined in the Paris Agreements?
- What is preventing NbS from moving forward for land and seascapes?
- Understanding the link between thriving natural ecosystems and business resilience.
- Quantifying and mapping our natural dependencies: how to make the case for investment in nature
- Restoring balance across agricultural supply chains
Session 2 - Mitigating trade-offs and risks from investment in nature-based solutions
- What are the options for business owners and investors looking to support NbS for climate?
- How do we develop a meaningful and impactful carbon offset market that revives, restores and protects nature?
- Pipeline policy and regulation: what to watch for and how to navigate it
Session 3 - Putting an “N” in ESG: How do we mainstream investment into companies taking nature-based solutions seriously?
- What do financiers and investors need to scale investment into portfolios that protect and restore the earth’s natural systems?
- Identifying companies, funds, and portfolios with NbS that offer real and competitive returns on investment
- How to navigate the sea of ESG to find genuinely bankable portfolios, funds, and projects
- Standardising ESG accounting, reporting, and measuring to compare investment risks and returns across assets