Rethinking Supply Chains: Transforming Business Practices to Enable Ecosystem Restoration

Event posted by Elena Ricci
Sunday, 7 November 2021 - 15:00 to 16:30 (Europe/Brussels)

To counteract the climate and biodiversity crises, it will not be enough to establish deforestation-free supply chains. In fact, it will be necessary to develop nature-positive supply chains, which actively support healthy ecosystems. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration offers a unique window of opportunity to rethink the relation of economy and nature and inspire long-term change. Pioneering projects have showcased that supply chain transformation is possible. Together with project implementers and representatives from private businesses, this session illustrates innovative approaches and examines existing barriers for upscaling. The identified possibilities and barriers will also be discussed in the broader context of a much-needed transformative change of today’s economic and financial systems to address underlying socio-economic drivers.