Nature-based solutions (NbS), including forest and landscape restoration and sustainable forest management have grown in prominence in recent years as potentially being an approach that can help deliver around one-third of global net emission reductions needed by 2030.
This event is jointly organized by the XV World Forestry Congress Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Korea Forest Service, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Forest 4 Climate & People project and the European Commission. It will bring together state and non-state actors including representatives of government, finance institutions, civil society and local community representatives for a dynamic discussion on the role of forests and forest communities in supporting sustainable business models for NbS. It will highlight why empowering local communities to be full partners in NbS is so vital. The event will showcase how new and innovative approaches to finance policy and investment can contribute to scaling up climate action towards sustainable forest, agriculture and land use management.