Case studies tagged with Riverbank Green

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8

Green Lungs of The City - Forest and Wetlands Park, Yiwu - Zhejiang Province, China


The aims of the Green Lungs of the City Project are to build a big botanical garden for the city, create a forest-wetlands park and develop an agricultural park for citizens. GLCP uses urban forest and trees, as well as wetlands as Nature-based Solutions to promote the sustainable development of the city and to provide multiple ecosystem services for human beings in a highly urbanised area.

Objectives further include:

  • Improving the green and blue landscape connectivity in an urbanised area, which is good for biodiversity conservation and water purification
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Danube-Auen National Park - Vienna, Austria

Danube-Auen National Park - Vienna, Austria

The Danube-Auen National Park in Vienna aims to multiple ecosystem services combine with trees with regulating services, such as water protection, retention, carbon sequestration, and micro, local, and regional climate regulation.

The National Park fosters an environment providing habitats and biodiversity for animal and plant species to enhance supporting ecosystem functions.

The National Park’s blue and green infrastructure further aims to provide cultural functions by offering open spaces for recreational value, allowing urban dwellers to find aesthetic pleasure, a sense...

Using semi-natural meadow vegetation for restoration of river revetments: A case study in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River

This study aimed to use a semi-natural meadow as an ecological restoration tool for the optimisation of ecosystem services and landscape attractiveness of river revetments. River revetments combine bank reinforcement with greening and can resist flood washing and provide waterfront space for human activities; thus, it has become a key functional unit in riparian ecosystems used to foster ecosystem services such as the interception and filtration of polluted surface water, habitat for organisms and aesthetic beauty.

Herbaceous species that naturally occur in habitats with infrequent...

Beijing Plain Area Afforestation Programme (BPAP) - Beijing, China


With the aim to create huge forest patches, develop urban forest park clusters and optimise the large-scale forest patterns, BPAP has proposed green strategies with nine green wedges, multiple greenbelts, and green corridors around the old city centre in Beijing. 

Objectives further include:

  • Improving the forest coverage and urban greenspace connectivity in urbanised areas by planting more than 54 million trees, enhancing biodiversity;
  • Providing health and wellbeing benefits through the use of the recreation facilities
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Water Haigh Woodland Park, Lower River Aire Valley – Leeds, UK

Water Haigh Woodland Park, Lower River Aire Valley – Leeds, UK

The case study site provides connected multi-functional green space that maximises ecosystem services for the sites and the local communities. Objectives include:

  • The provision of regionally important landscape scale natural habitats, encompassing mixed woodlands, hedgerows, grasslands and wetlands, encompassing the reclamation of UF-NbS (Urban Forests as Nature-Based Solutions) of previously mined industrial land.
  • The provision of unlimited public access via footpaths, cycle ways and bridle ways;
  • The health and well-
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Fu Forest Trail - Fuzhou, China

  • Protection of forest coverage and urban greenspace, maintaining the status of urban forests and providing better conditions for forest naturalisation;
  • Fostering health and wellbeing benefits gained through the use of the recreation facilities;
  • Providing educational facilities for local residents and visitors.