TRENDING SCIENCE: About 97 % of land areas have been destroyed, research claims
How many pristine places are left undisturbed by oil, gas and mining activities, as well as land development? What is the extent of this damage to habitats? According to a study published in the journal ‘Frontiers in Forests and Global Change’, nearly 3 % of the world’s land remains ecologically
Nature-Based Solutions for Restoration of Ecosystems and Sustainable Urban Development
Cities are facing a broad range of social and environmental challenges due to the current pressure of global urbanization. Nature-based solutions aim to utilize green infrastructure to improve people’s health and wellbeing. The design of urban environments must embrace the individual ideals of
Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator
The Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator was designed to help users identify the most relevant tools for their needs and goals. You can search our database by keyword or filter by types of tools, sectors and infrastructure lifecycle phases, amongst other things. Detailed information on each
GIZ ValuES - Method Profile: InVEST models - Overview
InVEST is a family of tools to assess how distinct scenarios might lead to different ecosystem services and human well-being related outcomes in particular geographic areas. InVEST enables decision-makers to assess the tradeoffs associated with alternative choices and to identify areas where
Conservation of small mammals and associated ecosystems
The “Conservation of small mammals and associated ecosystems” policy brief is focusing on the importance of European policies (for example, the Common Agricultural Policy, the EU Strategy on Climate Adaptation) and actions in the context of the conservation of small mammals and other species which
ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Tudástár az esőkertek témakörében
A közzétett tudásanyagokat a Zöld Küldetés Egyesület publikálta honlapján, amelyek célja a tudásmegosztás a körkörös városi vízgazdálkodás, kiemelten az esőkertek terén. A közzétett tudásanyagok az alábbiak: - Szakmai tanácskozás esőkertekről - videóanyag az esőkertek építésének alapelveiről
A Horizont 2020 kutatási projektjei TAM projektjei
A természetalapú megoldásokat (TAM) a természet inspirálja és támogatja. Ezek a megoldások költséghatékonyak, egyszerre nyújtanak környezeti, társadalmi és gazdasági előnyöket, és segítik a külső hatásokhoz való sikeres alkalmazkodás. A természetalapú megoldások a helyi adottságokhoz illeszkedő,
Taking Action for Urban Nature - Business Model Catalogue for Urban NbS
The Business Models Catalogue for urban nature-based solutions presents eight different business models for urban nature-based solutions. These were identified based on 54 in-depth case studies of urban nature-based solutions, both in- and outside of Europe. These models explain which values
The CN Framework, together with the valuable support from project partners, has provided the city with the tools to successfully develop the CN Exemplar in the three phases of Planning, Delivery and Stewardship
UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (2021): Insuring the climate transition: The final report of UN PSI’s TCFD pilot project
The insurance industry is one of the largest global industries with more than USD 6 trillion in world premium volume and USD 36 trillion in assets under management. As such, insurers hold a significant portion of global economic assets and liabilities on their balance sheets. As risk managers,
Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Factsheet
MCDA is an "umbrella term to describe a collection of formal approaches which seek to take explicit account of multiple criteria in helping individuals or groups explore decisions that matter" (Belton and Stewart, 2002, p. 2). The basic idea of MCDA methods is to evaluate the performance
Conexus Life-Lab Factsheet Series: Francia Street Rain Gardens: SuDS Implementation
The Municipality of General San Martín (MGSM), Buenos Aires, led a project to build linear Rain Gardens (RGs) along Francia Street as part of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) to manage stormwater. As a novel technology for the region, the RGs proved to be cost-effective and socially
Identifying and analyzing stakeholders of ecosystem services
A short presentation showing an overview of the way stakeholders where identified and weighted at the urban hybrid dune exemplar in Barcelona, forming part of the OPERAs project.
URBAN GreenUP Nature-based solution catalogue
The target of this document is the definition of a catalogue of Nature Base Solutions (NbS) that includes all the possible characteristics (technical, economic, environmental, and social) of each one of them. In order to be able to select the best options to introduce them in the development of
Photo-elicitation Method Factsheet
This method aims to translate the people's visual experiences and perceptions of landscapes in terms of ecosystem services. It has been particularly used to explore how landscape multi-functionality (defined as the capacity of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services to society) is related
GIZ ValuES - Paper on Increasing the Policy Impact of Ecosystem Service Assessments and Valuations - Insights from Practice
This report gives an overview about requirements and options for enhancing the practical usefulness and political relevance of ecosystem service assessments and valuations (ESAVs). It focuses on practical aspects of the ESAV process: How can potential users of ecosystem service knowledge draw
UrbanByNature Programme in Brazil, the Caucasus, Korea and China
To make sure that the valuable processes and outputs of the Connecting Nature project can also go global and inspire local governments beyond Europe in the planning, implementation and upscaling of nature-based solutions, a knowledge exchange and capacity-building programme called UrbanByNature was
This report specifically addresses the mainstreaming of urban nature-based solutions for economic regeneration. They understand economic regeneration to be about the improvement and reinvigoration of urban areas. Nature-based solutions have the potential to encourage economic regeneration through
Nature4Cities - NbS Dynamic Assessment Methodology Support Document
The evaluation of the environmental benefits of NbS is one of the key solutions paving the way for resilient cities, and to strengthen urban planning strategies. A strong need of new governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with NbS (urban
Nitrogen pollution and climate change reduce carbon storage and biodiversity of peatlands
A “win-win” between biodiversity-conservation and climate-change-combat is illustrated by the "Nitrogen pollution and climate change reduce carbon storage and biodiversity of peatlands" policy brief. It focuses on the farless recognized and 'unseen' threats to peatlands: air
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