• Guidance

ISO 14091:2021 Adaptation to climate change — Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment

This document gives guidelines for assessing the risks related to the potential impacts of climate change. It describes how to understand vulnerability and how to develop and implement a sound risk assessment in the context of climate change. It can be used for assessing both present and future


  • Report

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services A business case for re/insurance

Assessing biodiversity risks is complex as there is a massive underlying collection of risks. To help assess the risks and foster dialogue around biodiversity they have designed a Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) Index. It shows that in 20% of all countries, ecosystems are in a fragile


  • Video

What is PHUSICOS / ¿Qué es PHUSICOS?

Presentation of the PHUSICOS project / Presentación del proyecto PHUSICOS


  • Training

Mapping to support REDD+ planning and secure multiple benefits: toolbox and tutorials for QGIS and ArcGIS

GIS training materials and tools have been developed for use in planning REDD+ activities that deliver multiple benefits. These resources are designed to assist technical staff to undertake spatial analysis to identify areas suitable for specific REDD+ policies and measures, and which are likely to


  • Document

Policy Brief: EU bioenergy policies at the crossroad

The policy brief summarizes policy messages on bioenergy production in the EU


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Paper
  • Video

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Tudástár az esőkertek témakörében

A közzétett tudásanyagokat a Zöld Küldetés Egyesület publikálta honlapján, amelyek célja a tudásmegosztás a körkörös városi vízgazdálkodás, kiemelten az esőkertek terén. A közzétett tudásanyagok az alábbiak: - Szakmai tanácskozás esőkertekről - videóanyag az esőkertek építésének alapelveiről


  • Policy Brief

Why is Nature Restoration Critical for River Connectivity?

The EU Commission published its proposal for a new Nature Restoration Regulation in June 2022. In this context, IEEP and Ecologic Institute – as part of the Think Sustainable Europe network – published a series of thematic policy briefs to inform Members of the European Parliament and other


  • Document

GIZ ValuES - Methods Navigator

Ecosystem service assessments should be ‘issue-driven’. They can be done to gain new insights, to make a strong argument, to start a discussion, to help settle a negotiation, to enhance a planning process, or to reach a decision. There are many different methods for doing an assessment. Helping


  • Guidance
  • Infographic
  • Slides
  • Blog
  • Training
  • Web platform

Greenopolis - a learning platform about nature-based solutions

Greenopolis is an educational platform about nature-based solutions. The material contains activities and exercises that bring school children (age 8-12 yrs) outside into the (urban)nature to learn through reflexions, creativity, experiments, observations, and by being bodily present in nature


  • Document
  • Training

Planning for a healthy environment - good practice guidance for green infrastructure and biodiversity

This guidance is designed to offer advice to planning practitioners on how green infrastructure and biodiversity can be enhanced and protected through the planning system. It summarises the latest policy drivers and distils the best of our current policy responses. It also sets out practical


  • Paper

The case for mainstreaming nature-based solutions into integrated catchment management in Ireland

The intensification of European policies, agreements and regulations for climate action, water resources, energy, agriculture and forestry, and biodiversity is pressurising governments to adopt a wider portfolio of actionable solutions that are more financially and socially sustainable as well as


  • Training

GIZ ValuES - Fact sheet on training on Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)

One specific instrument to capture the value of ecosystem services are payments for ecosystem services (PES). A PES scheme can be designed in various different ways, based on the intended outcomes and target areas. In this training module, the basic characteristics of a PES scheme as well as


  • Document
  • Report

Carbon Farming for Climate, Nature, and Farmers report

The EU is promoting carbon farming as a new business model to deliver climate action in agriculture. To ensure the EU harnesses the full win-win-win potential of carbon farming, the EEB sets out the concrete solutions carbon farming should prioritise, and makes five key recommendations in this


  • Document

URBAN GreenUP Climate Change Challenge Catalogue

This report provides a useful tool for the standardisation of a method to identify and evaluate cities in respect of several societal city challenges. Such a tool will allow practitioners to be able to examine these challenges in a simple way with accurate information about how these challenges


  • Report

UNCCD Urban-rural linkages and ecosystem restoration

This working paper from the UN proposes an urban-rural linkage perspective in relation to land and ecosystem restoration at a time of heightened urgency on multiple fronts at local, national and international levels. The combined impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss land degradation, and


  • Document
  • Guidance

Understanding farmer uptake of measures that support biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - EKLIPSE final report

This report provides a summary of findings by the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group and their analysis of 'Understanding Farmer Uptake: What measures are most promising to deliver on supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services in the next round of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)?'.


  • Document

Valuing Inclusion and Diversity, Embracing Uncertainty: Ways Forward for Nature-based Solutions

There is a growing consensus that working with nature can help to address the pressing interlinked climate and biodiversity challenges, whilst ensuring and enhancing human well-being. Though being driven primarily by climate change mitigation and increasingly adaptation, Nature-based Solutions (NbS


  • Consultancy
  • Software

Map viewer (Web Map Service)

Share your georeferenced contents with this map visualization tool


  • Guidance

Guidance on Co-creating NbS CLEVER Cities

This guidance contains a toolkit for the implementation of the co-creation process, including the 16 steps envisioned in a complete co-creation pathway to support cities to achieve successful implementation of nature-based solutions. On this website you can find all the useful tools, resources to


  • Document
  • Report
  • Web platform

VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Innovatív vízgazdálkodási megoldások gyűjteménye

Az Innovatív vízgazdálkodási megoldások gyűjteménye olyan fejlesztések, termékek, szolgáltatások adatait gyűjti össze, amelyek ökoszisztéma alapú segítséget nyújthatnak az éghajlatváltozás hatására megjelent térségi és települési vizekhez kapcsolódó problémák kezeléséhez és megoldásához. A
