Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. Summary for policy-makers
This document higlights key findings from the report "Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. First assessment of the IUCN NbS Global Standard in Mediterranean urban areas", and should be read in conjunction with the full report. References to research and
Commission on Ecosystem Management
Many of the world's ecosystems have undergone significant degradation with negative impacts on biological diversity and peoples' livelihoods. There is a growing realization that we will not be able to conserve the earth's biological diversity through the protection of critical areas
proGIreg Turin Interactive Living Lab NbS Map
This interactive maps let's users explore the nature-based solutions (NbS) implemented in the proGIreg Living Lab in Turin, Italy. ProGIreg is an EU-funded project using nature for urban regeneration of post-industrial areas with and for citizens in European and Chinese cities.
Assessment and mapping of ecosystem services - Development of methods for assessment and mapping of ecosystem services of marine and inland waters
The general purpose of the project "Development methods for assessment and mapping of ecosystem services of marine and inland waters" is to help stop the decrease of biodiversity in water bodies and damaging of ecosystem in the European Union by supporting the preservation and restoration
Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Policy Instruments to Promote Urban Nature-based Solutions
This guidance document responds to exisiting gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. The guidance aims to support
Belgium Ecosystem Services Network BEES
The Belgium Ecosystem Services (BEES) network is a community of practice, which connects research, practice and policy on ecosystem services and related issues by fostering exchange and real-life networking events.
Mapping Biodiversity Priorities
This document sets out a practical, science-based approach to spatial biodiversity assessment and prioritisation, which can be applied at the national level in any country. It is especially useful for countries that are both biodiversity rich and resource constrained, where difficult choices have
TELEPÜLÉSI KLÍMAADAPTÁCIÓ: Klímaadaptív gyepgazdálkodás a városban
A Veszprém város önkormányzatának megbízásából elkészült dokumentum a város és a természet kapcsolatát, valamint a város működésének hatását a klímára mutatja be. Összefoglalja az urbanizáció történetének következményeit, vagyis azt, hogy a népességrobbanás, a beépítettség növekedése és a termelési
GIZ ValuES - Method Profile: Participatory mapping
Contrary to other mapping tools, participatory mapping does not primarily draw on statistics or research data, but on the practical knowledge of people. Participatory mapping visualizes local knowledge and makes it visible to all. There are several participatory mapping tools available. In an
Climate crisis, cities, and health
More than ever, the climate crisis is becoming a health crisis. An estimated 5 million people globally die each year because of suboptimal temperatures,1 with a large proportion of heat-related mortality (37%) attributable to human-induced climate change.2 Cities have an important role in climate
GoGreenRoutes: Outline of the project presentation
Learn all about GoGreenRoutes in this introductory project presentation. Publication Date: 29 Jul 2021 Author(s): Maynooth University and ICLEI Europe
Nature4Cities - NbS Dynamic Assessment Methodology Support Document
The evaluation of the environmental benefits of NbS is one of the key solutions paving the way for resilient cities, and to strengthen urban planning strategies. A strong need of new governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with NbS (urban
The URBES Project
The URBES project bridges the knowledge gap on the role of urban biodiversity and ecosystem services for human well-being. It further aims to inform urban management and decision-makers on how to best integrate the natural environment and human needs. The URBES partnership of academic institutions
Urban agriculture - URBES Facthseet #7
This factsheet will explain the importance of urban agriculture: the ecosystem services that urban agriculture provides for human wellbeing, food security and urban resilience; and the need for integrated planning across sectors to ensure that the ecosystem services that urban agriculture provides
Two Global Crises Interlinked — The need for balancing and win-win actions for nature and climate
From the Nordic Pavilion: Two global crises interlinked: biodiversity loss and climate change. Actions to mitigate one should not worsen the other. Two interactive panel debates considering examples that require the balancing of needs as well as win-win action for both climate and nature with the
LEVERGING PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTMENTS IN ADAPTATION: The evolving role of climate finance in enabling a paradigm shift
In order to draw cross-national lessons on how climate finance can be used to unlock private sector investments in adaptation, we analyzed global climate finance flows and the project portfolios and the evolution of three multilateral climate funds (MCFs) between 2010 and 2020: the Pilot Program
NetworkNature report on practical, research and innovation needs
This report on practical, research and innovation needs was prepared in the context of NetworkNature Work Package 3. The aim was to compile an evidence base for Nature-based Solutions (NbS), to be used to support the uptake and proliferation of NbS in planning, strengthening the practical
Insight Report: Seizing Business Opportunities in China’s Transition Towards a Nature-positive Economy
This report by The World Economic Forum lays out a clear roadmaps for Chinese companies to seize the business opportunities offered by 15 priority transitions under three socio-economic systems. These transitions are projected to ad $1.9 trillion in business value and could create 88 million jobs
Atlas of ecosystem services for the Grenoble urban region (France)
We analyzed future land use and its effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the Grenoble urban area. We used a toolbox of ecosystem service models to analyze trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity, critical ecosystem services under 4 scenarios for 2040 compared to present. This
REGREEN podcast
The REGREEN podcast explores the concept of nature-based solutions, and how these solutions can help accelerate the transition towards equitable, green, and healthy cities in Europe and in China. Why is it important to rethink urban development, and how far are we in the research, development,
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