• Guidance

Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans

Over the past few years, several market and industry initiatives have focused on converging reporting standards that cover climate issues as well as aligning and improving comparability of climate-related metrics. These efforts include work to harmonize greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methods to


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  • Guidance

Green Infrastructure, a wealth for cities - URBES Factsheet #6

This URBES factsheet outlines the key components of Green Infrastructure and explores the linkages between the EU Green Infrastructure Strategy and the urban context. Using examples from Barcelona, it presents how cities can use Green Infrastructure to tackle environmental, social and economic


  • Guidance

Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change

The Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change provides orientation on how risks in the context of climate change can be comprehensively and systemically addressed through risk assessment. Decision-making, planning, and integrating


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Emerging evidence suggests that greenspace, whether used for recreation or physical activity (i.e. ‘green exercise’), can improve mental health and wellbeing. Indeed, individuals who use greenspaces or engage in green exercise have less mental distress, less anxiety and depression and healthier


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  • Report

Powering Nature: creating the conditions to enable nature-based solutions

Nature is in freefall. Climate is changing due to humanity’s addiction to burning fossil fuels and converting natural ecosystems for agriculture. This affects in degrading once-productive lands and driving plant and animal species to extinction. And it’s no coincidence that millions of people each


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  • Software

UGI Monitoring Toolkit

Toolkit for monitoring urban green infrastructure projects.


  • Dataset

Polish Biodiversity Information Network

The Polish Biodiversity Information Network (PolBIN) was founded in 2003. At the beginning the main goal of its activities was to initiate cooperation of Polish research institutions with the international system of GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility). In 2008 it was transformed into a


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  • Report

Connecting Nature Framework Urban Green Network of Nicosia

Through Connecting Nature Framework, Nicosia Development Agency team aims to help delivering NbS as part of a strategic plan that places environmental objectives and healthy, attractive, and natural surroundings for the local population higher on development agendas. More specifically, Connecting


Two adults on a large swing with snow and tress in the background
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Seedbed Intervention: Umeå

The Cultivating City of Umeå carried out its seedbed intervention. Bölevägen is the name of the street that will be reconstructed over the next two years, along four green spaces that will be designed and developed. The seedbed intervention site, Aspgärdan, was an empty area close to an English


  • Report

Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment

Multi-stakeholder participation is an overarching issue of PHUSICOS and, as such, forms a foundation to foster innovation at all levels and at all case study sites. Workpackage 3 is dedicated to employ a Living Lab approach as key mechanism of local stakeholder involvement for the purpose of


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Taking Action for Urban Nature - Citizen Engagement Handbook

Diverse values, interests, and needs are associated with nature-based solutions. It is therefore important that they are taken into account in decision-making. As engaging communities contribute to realising all the sustainability benefits of nature-based solutions the "Citizen Engagement


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  • Guidance

OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Competitiveness

Understanding how the sustainable management of ecosystem services and natural capital relates to EU competitiveness at local, national and global scales is a key operational challenge. The consortium shall debate the concept of 'competitiveness' and its needs in general terms, it is one


  • Report

Nature-based Solutions State of the Art in EU-funded Projects

This document summarises outcomes from the EC individual expert reports delivered through its ‘Valorisation of NbS Projects’ initiative. EU research and innovation projects were scanned for results pertaining to key areas such as biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation (including


  • Video


Az intenzív gazdálkodás miatt a világ termőtalajainak jelentős hányada leromlott állapotban van vagy már véglegesen meg is semmisült. Ennek oka a talajok szervesanyag-tartalmának csökkenése, az ebből következő szerkezetromlás, tömörödés és az erózió, illetve a savanyodás, a szikesedés vagy éppen a


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Defining and Assessing Success in Mainstreaming

This background paper draws on reviews of the mainstreaming targets and indicators of selected NBSAPs from countries at different stages of their mainstreaming process, and the approaches to assessing the success of mainstreaming biodiversity and other issues into development. Recommendations are


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 7 - Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Planning Instruments

The Regional Government of Santiago (RGS) aims to incorporate ecological planning criteria into its planning instruments and strategies, fostering a more resilient and equitable city-region. This policy brief outlines the city’s learning-by-doing approach, presenting three pilot projects of Nature-


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  • Training

REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management (REFORM)

REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management, http://reformrivers.eu/) brought together 26 renowned research institutes and applied partners from15 European countries to generate tools for cost-effective restoration of river ecosystems, and for improved monitoring of the biological


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  • Guidance

Wildlife diseases on the increase

The "Wildlife diseases on the increase" policy brief focuses on Wildlife diseases, highlighting their increase and the threat they pose to Europe’s biodiversity, and proposing policy recommendations using the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) fungus as an example. The 4-page brief is


  • Paper

Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for


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  • Software

LANDPREF - Interactive tool to assess and visualise land use preferences

LANDPREF is a novel tool to assess desired land use visions. It enables the adjustment of a virtual landscape according to personal preferences of competing land uses, and is an interactive tool for the survey-based assessment of land use preferences. It allows the respondents to interactively
