Changing image of the urban environment

NatUR-W: Nature-based Urban Regeneration through Water (Lorca - Spain)

Lorca - NatUR-W

The aim of NatUR-W is to address urban challenges brought about by energy poverty and climate change, in particular extreme heat events and water scarcity. Through this project, the city of Lorca in Murcia is developing and implementing ‘NatUR-W Plans’ to meet these challenges. The proposed solution respects the natural water cycle, using innovative, inclusive, sustainable and self-sufficient Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to improve the energy efficiency of social housing and public buildings, create more green space, and regenerate the historic city centre. 

H2020 PONDERFUL:The “Lystrup” NBS: A Pondscape for Flood Risk Reduction, Biodiversity, and People

Pond: Lys3

This Pondscape is in a suburban area of Aarhus, with 18 ponds and about 10,300 inhabitants. The ponds reduce flood risk and enhance biodiversity, supporting amphibians, birds, and aquatic plants. It also offers walking paths and educates people about nature and environmental protection.

Ökológiai szemléletű zöldfelület-fenntartás a fővárosi Pünkösdfürdő Parkban

© Ferenc Albert Szigeti

A fővárosi zöldinfrastruktúra fejlesztését és fenntartását meghatározó Radó Dezső Terv kiemelt prioritása a klímaadaptáció erősítése és a biodiverzitás növelése, mindezt a Fővárosi Önkormányzat a lakossággal szoros partnerségben kívánja elérni. A biológiai sokféleséget, a klímaadaptációt és a környezeti nevelést egyaránt támogató, magyarországi mércével mindenképpen mérföldkőnek számító, de európai viszonylatban is innovatív megoldásai miatt magas szakmai elismerésben részesült Pünkösdfürdő Park tájépítészeti üzenete és célja az, hogy a hagyományos agrár tájhasználatot becsempéssze a...

H2020 PONDERFUL: The deurbanization of La Pletera

A de-construction project where a failed attempt of urbanization was substituted by a fully functional salt marsh ecosystem. La Pletera is a coastal salt marsh located in a very touristic zone and was affected by building works for a residential estate in the late 80s, and then discontinued in the 90s. After that, the area was protected and an ecological restoration project was developed, aimed to satisfy a long-held local aspiration: the restoration of the ecologically highly valuable saltmarsh that was partially destroyed by a construction project at the end of the 1980s.

Uforest Case Study: Barcelona Nature Plan

One of the activities foreseen by the Uforest project is researching innovative Urban Forestry initiatives across Europe. For this reason, the Uforest team has selected and analysed some of the most interesting urban forestry projects in the continent, with the aim to illustrate real practices and eventually inspire others to start greening their cities. Among them, we selected the Barcelona Nature Plan. 

The Pla Natura Barcelona (Barcelona Nature Plan) is a public initiative led by the Barcelona City Council with the aim to improve and increase...

NBSEduworld NbS Case Study: Vigie-Nature École – citizen science programme on biodiversity and associated actions

Vigie-Nature École is a biodiversity monitoring program focused on multiple groups of organisms. The primary goals of this data collection is to provide data to researchers in urban ecology and provide education to children in all the subjects related to biodiversity that we can cover. Our last development focuses on actions that pupils or children can take in order to improve both biodiversity and well-being within the schools.

New green roof at WOW

The NbS addresses multiple dimensions:

  • Experimenting with technical and administrative issues relevant to green roofing technical implementation.
  • Promoting the re-use of the abandoned building, representing a first step in proposing innovative uses of green infrastructure by implementing the green roof in a small part of the roof
  • Long-term goal is to extend it further to other parts of the roof.

Green indoor and outdoor walls

  • The experimental features of this NbS are intended as replicable examples in enhancing urban environments and improving living conditions of inhabitants.
  • Working with schools to spread the knowledge about NbS to users of the buildings and raising awareness about the importance of plants in everyday life.
  • Promoting the collaboration with school teachers and staff of the homeless shelter to schedule activities that supported learning “science” disciplines, as well as Italian language skills, civic education and social studies.
  • Consulting a nursery to achieve
  • ...

ORTO WOW - Pollinator friendly garden

This NbS aims at improving the usability of the area:

  • to recover an abandoned and underutilized former industrial lot and to return it for public use;
  • to favor the transition of pollinating insects, following the directions of the ecological corridors identified by proGIreg;
  • to activate local inhabitants in taking care of the new green installations, by stimulating them through citizens-science activities;
  • to favor a collaborative setting of different stakeholders, in order to guarantee the sustainability of the intervention in the future

Improving and monitoring pollinator biodiversity in Huckarde

Naturfelder Dortmund e.V. was founded in order to convert urban spaces into pollinator friendly habitats. The structure of the association allows long-term existence beyond proGIreg. Main goals of the NbS implementations include:

  • Activating interested citizens from the Huckarde and Deusen district for pollinating insects and biodiversity topics
  • Sowing flower meadows or planting insect friendly plants that increase biodiversity on public or private land in cooperation with owners 
  • Participating in events to inform about pollinator friendly measures
  • ...
