The quarry is located on the east sector of the area of the Metropolitan City of Milan in the municipality of Pozzuolo Martesana and Truccazzano. The area has a characteristic elongated shape of more than 2 km in north-south direction for a total area of 78.95 hectares
Over the past few decades the area has been "cutted" by different roads infrastructure as BreBeMi (highway between Brescia Milan Bergamo), TEM (East outer highway ring) and railway that today limit the connections to the rural settlements and towns around.
There are primarily agricultural areas around and the ATEg20 falls in the responsibility of the Agricultural South Park.
This project consists in two main areas :
- the northern portion : object of the first phases of extraction ended in 2007
- the southern portion : subject of the cultivation plan and recovery of recent years
The proposed project involves the areas cultivated in the northern part. It forecast an environmental naturalistic recovery and the conclusion of the overall environmental recovery of the entire extractive area.
It aims to include :
• morphological arrangement of the slopes of embankments produced by the extractive area for the future public use;
• creation of rows of trees with the double function of landscape mitigation and hiding/masking;
• recovery of the area actually destined for the extractive activities
• biodiversity recovery of portions of lake already extracted
• arboriculture activities (corn, poplar, ...) in existing agricultural areas not affected by either the cultivation nor the environmental recovery.
• Macro scale mitigation by enhancing carbon storage and sequestration in vegetation and soil
• Micro scale adaptation through planting vegetation to improve local climate through cooling, shading and shelter
• Provide elements characterizing the heritage and aesthetics of the area
• Provide social interaction and support healthy living
• Air quality improvement
• Noise reduction ecological restoration
- Developing climate change adaptation; improving risk management and resilience
- Reduce flood risk
- Reducing temperature at meso or micro scale
- Developing climate change mitigation
- Carbon sequestration and storage
- Restoring ecosystems and their functions
- Greater ecological connectivity across urban regenerated sites
- Increase Biodiversity
- Increase social interaction
Project that can be locally replicated, Data available
The proposed project involves the areas cultivated in the municipality of Pozzuolo. It forecast an environmental naturalistic recovery and the conclusion of the overall environmental recovery of the entire extractive area.
The cost of the environment recovery project is about 672.159 Euro. The quarryman finances the planning and the realization of the environment recovery project
- Eco management plans
Davoli Cinzia (mail to:c.davoli@cittametropolitana.mi.it)
Giulia Garavaglia: (mail to:giu.garavaglia@cittametropolitana.mi.it)