The 2019 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) will be guided by the headline: "Regions and Cities: Pillars of the EU's Future."
Throughout the four day event regions and cities will showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs. Regions and cities will also demonstrate how they implement European Union cohesion policy and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. The 17th edition of European Week of Regions and Cities offers more than 300 session including Workshops, Participatory labs, Regions' talks and Q&As on presented themes.
European Week of Regions and Cities 2019 thematic priorities:
- The future of the EU and the roles of the regions and cities
- A Europe closer to citizens
- A greener Europe
- A more socially integrated Europe
- A smarter Europe
- A more connected Europe
The European Week of Regions and Cities and its workshops, debates and networking activities are addressed to:
- members of the European Committee of the Regions, members of the European Parliament and national, regional and local politicians
- European, national, regional and local government officials and experts in the field of managing and evaluating cohesion policy programmes
- representatives of private companies, financial institutions and European and national associations
- journalists from European, national, regional and local media outlets
- researchers, PhD or masters students and practitioners in the field of European regional and urban policy
The call for proposals for side events closes on 6 September.