Registration is now open for the ReNature 5th Training Course: Nature-based solutions and the science-policy interface.
The Fifth ReNature Training Course will be held online from the 14 to 16 September 2020 and will focus on collaborations across the science-policy interface for nature-based solutions. This training course will be held completely online and will also be livestreamed on YouTube.
The ‘Nature-based solutions and the science-policy interface’ training will bring together experts who through research or practice are working across the science-policy interface to mainstream and implement nature-based solutions (NbS). During the training course we will explore the current policy context promoting NbS interventions, discuss NbS design, implementation and effectiveness in providing co-benefits, and evaluate methods for effective communication and collaboration across the science-policy interface. The ReNature Fifth Training Course will share positive experiences, from Europe and beyond, of effective collaboration at the science-policy interface.
Registration is available from here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zKuMGoDmRB2LMy0esBgfgg