Register now for the virtual Connecting Nature Innovation Summit
23-25 March 2021
Co-hosted by greenspace scotland and Glasgow City Council, the Innovation Summit will bring together an international audience to explore how we shift to sustainable, greener cities that deliver for their citizens using nature-based solutions.
The Summit is a free event.
About the Summit
The Summit will showcase exemplar projects from across Europe and around the world with a focus on Glasgow and Scotland. It will demonstrate methods being developed collaboratively by Connecting Nature partners to realise the benefits of nature in cities.
The Summit content is designed around the following themes:
Day 1 Reducing the risks – nature-based solutions for biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, water management and extreme weather events.
Day 2 Healing sick cities - nature-based solutions for health, wellbeing, place-based planning, human scale, food growing and food provision.
Day 3 Routes to recovery – nature-based solutions for a green recovery from the economic recession following Covid-19, nature-based skills, employability and enterprise.
Hosted on a virtual platform with panel discussions, presentations, workshops and opportunities to connect with other delegates. The programme outline lets you see what is on offer. Further details and speakers will be added throughout February and March.
About Connecting Nature
Connecting Nature is a community of cities working together to position Europe as a global leader in the innovation and implementation of nature-based solutions. Nature-based solutions are the sustainable management and use of nature for tackling societies’ challenges such as climate change, water security, food security, human health, and disaster risk management.
Who should come?
The Summit wants to engage with other global cities, politicians, urban and environmental practitioners, funding bodies, policy and decision makers at a national and international level. We’d like to encourage learning and dialogue between cities, academics, community organisations, environmental businesses, NGOs and third sector organisations.
Join us on-line as we explore the challenges and opportunities and hear more about innovations emerging to support the design, implementation and stewardship of nature-based solutions in cities.