ECCA 2021 - 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference Session - Nature as a solution for resilience, mitigation and sustainable development
Champion: Sergio Castellari - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
Climate change and biodiversity loss/degradation of ecosystems are linked and interdependent challenges. Healthy ecosystems with rich biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide are fundamental to life on earth. Even small changes in climate can result in large changes in habitats and biodiversity, with strong impacts on society, economy, human health and well-being. Climate and biodiversity crises need to be addressed in an integrated manner. Synergies can be enhanced by building on the multifunctionality and multiple benefits of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, captured under Nature-based Solutions (NbS).
This webinar is structured on four topics: (1) the policy support, (2) the knowledge base, (3) the applications and (4) the way ahead of NbS for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe. It provides presentations and discussions with key experts on different aspects of NbS and offers the opportunity to the participant to interact with them.
The participants registered for this webinar can write questions to the Champion via the networking option of ECCA2021 platform prior the webinar. These questions could be addressed in the webinar.