A collaborative series of workshops to address the “what, why and how” of business engagement with NbS
Want to know more about Nature-based Solutions (NbS) from a business perspective? Curious about how NbS can be integrated into your business model? Join our collaborative workshop series where expert panellists will answer all these questions and many more.
Learn why NbS is important for business, with expert speakers who have pushed the boundaries of innovation.
Gain practical knowledge on NbS for business, including global criteria for designing, verifying and scaling up NbS projects, and the latest financing mechanisms.
Understand how NbS can reduce business risk and build resilience.
Be a part of a growing business community increasing their resilience to disaster and climate risks while protecting biodiversity.
Gain a course certificate to show your participation through joining live or through taking the course at a time convenient to you.
Workshop 1 - 17th June 2021: Business introduction to Nature-based Solutions for disaster and climate resilience – the "what" and the "why"
10:00 - 11:30 CET: Register now
16:00 - 17:30 PM CET: Register now
UNEP, WBCSD, IUCN and Oppla, supported by the We Value Nature campaign, will deliver these workshops to provived introductory training to businesses on NbS for increasing resilience to climate and disaster risks.