The fourth UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar, introducing STEP5/IMPLEMENT of the UbN programme, will zoom in on the technical aspects of NbS design and delivery. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities and China will outline how they went about choosing the most appropriate nature-based solutions. They will elaborate on the selection criteria they used for comparing different options such as performance, costs, maintenance requirements and site conditions to identify the right interventions for their local contexts and needs. Furthermore, the importance of facilitating the acquisition of technical skills for NbS design and delivery as well as identifying suitable nature-based enterprises for NbS implementation will be discussed. With the emerging market sector for NbS, different business models need to be explored and further expanded.
- Sophio Konjaria-Christian, CLEVER Cities Project Coordinator, District Council of Harburg, Hamburg, Germany
- Wu Jie, Deputy Chief Engineer, Guangzhou Urban Planning & Design Research Institute, China
- Esmee Kooijman, Research Scientist, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Isobel Fletcher, Acting CEO, Horizon Nua, Ireland
- Wang Dong, Vice-President, Eco-city Design Center, Turenscape Design Institute, China
- The webinar will be moderated by Youde Tang, Program Manager at ICLEI East Asia Secretariat Beijing Office. Simultaneous translation (English and Chinese) will be provided throughout the webinar.
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Date: Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Time: 3.30-5.00 PM (BJT/CST), 8.30-10.00 AM (CET)
Platform: Zoom
Languages: English and Chinese