Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are defined as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits” (IUCN). Research highlights that NbS could provide around 30% of the cost-effective mitigation needed by 2030 to stabilise warming to below 2°C. They can also provide a powerful defence against the impacts and long-term hazards of climate change, which is the biggest threat to biodiversity. Finding ways to work with ecosystems, rather than relying solely on conventional engineered solutions, can help communities adapt to climate change impacts. Using nature to green cities can also result in significant energy savings and health benefits.
Objectives of the Forum
- Identifying a pipeline of innovative nature-based solutions in the areas of finance, food and infrastructure to achieve SB4N objective of 100 nature-based solutions by 2030 and contribute to the portfolio of up to 70 successful investment deals of the Nature + Accelerator funding.
- Scaling existing nature-based solutions from other countries or regions
- Developing new solutions
- Building bridges between the private and financial sector and other relevant stakeholder to leverage nature-based / nature-climate solutions in the areas of finance, food and infrastructure.
- Creating significant biodiversity and ecosystem conservation impacts as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation impacts as well as socio-economic impacts for local communities
- Implementing the most promising nature-based solutions
The forum is mainly in-person at the Swiss Tech Convention Center (COVID pass compulsory). There is also a possibility to join online to watch the presentations.