The workshop "Sharing experiences of Ecosystem Restoration as a Nature-based Solution" aims to bring together diverse stakeholders to reflect on the specific challenges and opportunities for ecosystem restoration.
The Workshop will include keynote addresses about the existing objectives and ongoing work to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems globally and at a regional European scale.
Given the objectives of sharing experiences about ecosystem restoration, we will present an analysis of the case-studies of ecosystem restoration from around the globe, while specific positive experiences will be shared by our invited speakers. This work is based on a recent open call as part of the Network Nature Semester Theme of ecosystem Restoration and which has received several case-studies of effective implementation.
At the workshop you will hear keynote speeches from:
- Thierry Lucas, EU Policy Advisor, United Nations Environment Programme
- Ravic Nijbroek, Senior Advisor, WWF Germany
- Kris Decleer, Board member of the Society of Ecological Restoration International
Finally, participants will be invited to discuss the conditions for implementing ecosystem restoration and to promote uptake and uptake of restoration activities as a valid nature-based solution. The discussion will be facilitated to evaluate how restoration activities can be mainstreamed while engaging citizens and creating business models.