Inclusion of vulnerable communities in the planning and implementation of Nature based solution projects
To strengthen the restoration of urban ecosystems in cities in the European Union and Latin America, CITIES TALK NATURE offers a series of webinars to create and promote learning and cooperation between municipalities and any stakeholder, through specific initiatives and projects.
As part of the activities of this webinar we will:
- Exchange experiences on objectives, processes and practical examples that illustrate the inclusion of vulnerable communities in the planification and implementation of projects focused on Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)
- Establish a space of dialogue in which attendees can express their main doubts about the implementation of projects focused on NbS within their cities
- Provide access to tools, methods and approaches that allow cities to design inclusive projects developed around SBNs
In this fourth webinar "Leaving No One Behind. Inclusion of Vulnerable Communities in the Planning and Implementation of Nature Based Solution projects" we will focus on the main actions that allows the inclusion of vulnerable groups in our societies (women, children, low-income groups, indigenous communities, members of the LGBTTTIQ+ collective, etc.) not only as beneficiaries of these projects, but also as architects of them. For this purpose, we will have the participation of Yes-Innovation (Ecuador) and the City of La Paz (Bolivia).
Cities Talk Nature is facilitated by a unique cooperation between city networks FLACMA / UNGL, Climate Alliance and UCLG and developed within Interlace, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
The webinar will be available in English or Spanish with live simultaneous translation.