This workshop is organised by the Committee of the Regions, DG Environment of the European Commission, ICLEI and NetworkNature, for the EU Week of Regions and Cities 2022.
It will shed light on the recently launched proposal for an EU Nature Restoration Law from the European, regional and city perspective.
The objective of this workshop is to make city-and regional level decision-makers and practitioners aware of the EU Nature Restoration Law, local policy implications of the binding restoration targets and help restore ecosystems in urban and rural areas across Europe.
The European Commission will begin by presenting its proposal - outlining how it fits within the framework of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030; how it forms a key part of the EUs contribution to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework; and then describing the main elements of the legal proposal and its urban greening targets.
The workshop will then see experts in sustainable regional and local policy and planning reflect on the implications of the Nature Restoration Law for local and sub-national authorities, and for decision makers in terms of planning, governance, management and monitoring mechanisms. From the city perspective, the workshop will also explore options and good practices for decoupling urban development from urban nature loss.
The links and synergies to the crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and land use will be discussed, highlighting the need to work across multiple governance levels and streamline (policy) action to tackle them.
This workshop is additionally an opportunity for participants to contribute to the discussions on nature restoration at the urban level - to share their experiences and views as to how best to approach sustainable urban development, and how to protect and enhance urban ecosystems into the future.
9.30 - 9.35 Welcome by the moderator and introduction of high level speakers
Marta Mansanet, CoR
9.35 - 9.45 The NRL and its policy implications for cities and regions
Humberto Delgado Rosa, Dg ENV, EC
9.45 - 9.55 The regional respective on the NRL
Roby Biwer, CoR
9.55 - 10.05 Q&A & introduction of speakers
Marta Mansanet, CoR
10.05 -10.15 Good practices of urban ecosystem restoration from the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque country
Ana Oregi, Vitoria-Gasteiz
10.15 - 10.21 Video messages from the city of Utrecht and the city of Lisbon
Gitty Korsuize, city of Utrecht & Fernando Louro Alves, city of Lisbon
10.22 - 10.32 The role of local and regional authorities in a successful implementation of the NRL
Bettina Wilk, ICLEI
10.32 - 10.55 Moderated debate and Q&A with audience
Marta Mansanet, CoR
10.55 - 11.00 Closing remarks
Marta Mansanet, CoR