This is the first MERLIN Academy webinar of the year 2023, featuring UK-based conservationist Paul Jepson talking about "Nature Impact Tokens as a means to unlock "nature positive" investment".
Describing himself as conservationist, geographer, innovator, educator, Paul Jepson's mission is to "work up visions that blend emerging trends in science, technology and society with a sense of confidence, innovation and hope", designing solutions that "emerge from an understanding of the cultural assets and political realties of a place interacting with cutting-edge insight from interdisciplinary conservation science". His main areas of focus are rewilding, nature finance, natural area policy and conservation theory and innovation. (P.J.'s personal website - https://www.pauljepson.com/)
REGISTRATION TO THE EVENT IS NECESSARY, please follow the link to the MERLIN Academy web page (this is needed to get access to the Zoom link to the event).
The MERLIN Academy is an online learning place that will include live webinars, online training workshops, recorded e-learning sessions accessible for registered users at any time. It is still under development, but the monthly webinars have started. Content-wise, MERLIN Academy will include for example the presentation of best practice restoration projects, technical guidance, the development of regional scalability plans, large-scale upscaling strategies, Cost-Benefit-Analysis, .