This event is the 16th webinar of the MERLIN Academy as part of the EU-funded project MERLIN. MERLIN aims to mainstream freshwater restoration through the concept of Nature-based solutions.
This webinar will introduce the work of Dr Kirsty Blackstock, a senior researcher in the Environmental Governance Group, Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Department at the James Hutton Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland. She has an MA in Sociology and Gender Studies from University of Edinburgh; and a PhD in Sociology from the James Cook University, Australia. She has worked at the James Hutton Institute for twenty years on Scottish, UK and European land and water management, moving from a focus on farming practices to strategic stakeholder planning and policy processes that link agricultural and environmental sectors together. However, MERLIN has introduced her to new sectors such as navigation and peat extraction, teaching her more about the different perspectives involved in freshwater NbS. She co-leads the work package on ‘Transformations’ in MERLIN together with WWF.