Are you interested in finding synergies between climate and biodiversity objectives? Then you are invited to join this NetworkNature+ Nordic Hub event exploring how these synergies can happen in practice in our laws, policies and management practices.
Rikke Fischer-Bogason from NORION will present findings from the Nordic report Synergies between climate and biodiversity objectives in laws, policies, and management practices and Line Johanne Barkved from NIVA will present the S-UMMATION report where pilot projects with a special focus on synergies between biodiversity and climate will be presented.
Join us online on the 17th of November at 14:00 (CET)
More information: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a757abc3-e99e-4f51-91bf-5d9cfd1d483a@405f16c3-7567-46ee-998d-0686c274243b
Learn more about the Nordic hub: https://networknature.eu/webinar-synergies-between-biodiversity-and-climate