The thematic event "Smart Soils: Smart Specialisation meets EU Soil Mission" is co-organised by FUNDECYT-PCTEX and EU project Nati00ns which supports the EU Mission "A Soil Deal for Europe" across national communities.
A Europe-wide discussion in a virtual session about the relationship, at regional level, between the Smart Specialization Research and Innovation Strategies (RIS3) and the Soil Mission (SM) will be the focus of one of the Nati00ns thematic events.
It will integrate policy makers, experts, technicians and citizens involved in regional policy making and implementation of innovation programs with the following challenges: identify examples of connections that already exist/are foreseen/intuited between RIS3 and the SM objectives; discover the possibilities for the implementation of the strategies to solve soil troubles and conclude on policy good practices to guide the processes of orienting RIS3 towards the mission and vice-versa.
Soil is the foundation of our food systems. It provides clean water and habitats for biodiversity while contributing to climate resilience. It supports our cultural heritage and landscapes and is the basis of our economy and prosperity. RIS3 are demonstrating from 2013 their utility at local level to foster transformative changes through innovation.
This event is the fourth of a thematic webinar series on soils health offered by Nati00ns. These compelling series of six European-wide events are conducted entirely online, featuring impactful introductions to specific topics by esteemed keynote speakers and real-world practitioners.